Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tremor More Condition_symptoms I Have Benign Familial Tremor, A Genetic Disorder That Causes Hands & Neck To Shake. Is There An Herbal Cure?

I have benign familial tremor, a genetic disorder that causes hands & neck to shake. Is there an herbal cure? - tremor more condition_symptoms

I was diagnosed of 2 doctors, is a neurological genetic disorder that mainly the hands and neck. It is the specific intent, which means that mainly occurs when you perform certain tasks, especially in the use of fine motor skills (brushing teeth, writing, using a fork or spoon, applying mascara), it became increasingly clear and embarrassing everyone and also makes it difficult to eat in public, if things fall from the fork. I'm trying to find a herbal remedy, because doctors do not want to give me something.


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