Monday, January 25, 2010

Girls Getting Pantsed Public Why Is It Socially Acceptable To "pants" Males And Not Females?

Why is it socially acceptable to "pants" males and not females? - girls getting pantsed public

I was in school not too long ago, during my school days, used for all kinds of "get pantsed" (ie, dropped his pants in public) by the other boys and girls. It was all fun, and remember that a person will be angry if they pantsed by a tyrant. Then they went to teachers, and the attacker in possession of a twelve-trivial.

The sexism that I realized that one years later, a man pantsed a girl. It was all fun, but the guy was for sexual assault (or something like that sold).

If this is not sexist, I do not know what it is, I mean, what prevents another man is gay Pantsing? Nothing.


Justin R said...

Since the va-jay jay is a sacred land of the holy man.

But seriously, it's the same with the N-word. If a white person calls a black person, all hell breaks loose and the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton calling for the head. However, blacks call their black friends n all day, and nobody said a word.

Dude said...

Welcome to the world of gender inequality in order to get used to it, because it can happen anywhere and in any situation in which forbid anyone in any position of authority.

Dude said...

Welcome to the world of gender inequality in order to get used to it, because it can happen anywhere and in any situation in which forbid anyone in any position of authority.

Gary Oster said...

* Cough * * cough * Menstruation

Hams said...

Jump penis into the vagina = sex, people think they wanted to see me to VAG review.

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