Friday, January 8, 2010

Pet Frog Habitat Tiny Frog Pet?

Tiny frog pet? - pet frog habitat

What this kind of frog?
What a cute little frog race, I can have a pet? I would be male and female and make the best home ever.



Vulcan said...

It looks like a frog glass. Never heard of them are sold as pets. As for breeding, you need an experienced coach and should be investigated.

evilkiss... said...

only the frog / toad, I heard from someone with a lot of luck with fire bellies together they are small and delicate, but I never considered myself so I'm not really good information in them, but I'm sure if Firebelly frogs type of Google is a wealth of information

Joshy boy reptile lover said...

If you have purchased, ask the pet store. Or you found so I think Amazon is a frog or a kind of South American frog. I love the eyes!

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