Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Coming Off Hrt How Long How Long Does It Take To Come Off HRT?

How long does it take to come off HRT? - coming off hrt how long

My mother had a hysterectomy in her 30s, but still has its acquisitions. shes now in her 40's, and for hormone replacement therapy, but I wonder how long will it take before some kind of normalcy returning, so that you can tell if shes menopause or not. The responses were obtained in large part, that the poor will always crazy, I thank you.


gaulde said...

Hey, I think it depends on everyone! I had a total hysterectomy when I was told 23 years for medical reasons, he would find it for about 30 years and have the menopause within 5 years. I took HRT after 4 months and honestly felt better, no. It varies for each individual, and I know very few people who are going through menopause have gone with him. When you are ready to tell him to try it if you do not agree with her, she can leave.

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