Saturday, February 13, 2010

Modern Plant Pots Wedding Colour Issue Brown&Yellow (Sunflowers) Or Black/White/Lavender?

Wedding Colour Issue Brown&Yellow (Sunflowers) or Black/White/Lavender? - modern plant pots

I had held before my wedding in October 2009 for about one months is now. But I do my colors / theme and noticed there were tons of ideas that the sunflower used in chocolate and a campaign theme rustic yellow. The sunflowers I planted me what type I want to use to see. I would like terracotta pots tied with hemp and a bow and bags of sunflower seeds, are for personal use is now encouraged my feiance who (has decided he does not do much) told me to think that lavender is best for the color of the wedding, and I want to integrate their ideas into the marriage, of course. So now I must make a decision, the original Borwn white / yellow or the new idea of black / purple (which is more sophisticated, a modern country / rural IDEA). Has anyone pictures of support / ideas / opinions, or in this decision?


April said...

What is pleasantly soft yellow and lavender? You can even have a touch of black. It would be very nice ... So you can always chose the sunflower, if you want. Or you could go with margaritas, the beautiful flowers.
Just so you can get an idea, here are some pictures: ... ... ...

kandmsna... said... ...

Purple and yellow, not unlike all ... You can use both if you wish. ... ...

nurse ratchet said...

Consider chocolate brown and aquaculture, and throw white a little. You can also dress down, or go to class anyway.

Perhaps another project, color is what we need commitment and please you both. It would have to learn how to do this now ... This will be for long!


Sarah said...

I think it could take quite a bit of irony, lavender and enter the country. Lavender, reminds me of the flower, the wide fields. You can safely type combination of the two ideas. I also think that lavender is a little more romantic than the color of sunflowers. Here is a site that could offer a few suggestions: ...

Hill D said...

I LOVE sunflowers / brown yellow. I was actually doing the same, except with the Black Eyed Susans. However, the date can I come back from summer to autumn .. so ..
Congratulations and good luck!

LB The Definition of Lovley said...

I like black, white and lavender theme. It would be very nice.

jackie b said...

I like black and a little more elegant lavender sophisicated .. I also noticed that you have decided to say, not too much to put in this entry .. do not feel so bad about this, we are preparing since July, and us, so it is 3 weeks, I helped, what kind of food plan, and he gave me his opinion on his shirt and he wants to be with him. .. Oh yes, he liked my dress .. I have my ring and just ... Yes, he was comfortable with this, but a guy that is .. Use jeopardize So with directions, we also ... They're not really help and opinions ... Sorry, but when it really matters, what is your dress .. Wear colors that you want ..

Freckles:Time For Your Check Up said...

You do your job, you know what you want. When offered to attach the tulle, then he gets a vote

get your nose out of the books said...

I think it depends on the type of when and where your wedding. If your idea of a wedding day in the outdoors, sunflower yellow / brown idea works very well. It would be nice, especially when they are full of change in force, bedding, etc.
If your planning a wedding night, I agree that an elegant system of color would be nice.
It's your wedding, though. Do what you love and who will one day I will never forget. Congratulations.

pspoptar... said...

Guys rarely resemble the tube with an opinion on everything, but if they do, always encourage brides to honor the request. You want him to feel that it is to your wedding.

Chocolate you can receive yellow, her. Ceremony to make chocolate and lavender. (or vice versa) There is no rule that says that everything is okay "Matchy Matchy" chocolate and use to connect the two events together .... especially if they have two different places.

I agree with Sarah. The lilacs are beautiful and when you're in a jar of ancient pottery and glass in this country still feel you want with your coloring.

Lindsey said...

Why not an orange or even blue with sunflowers. Whatever you have beautiful colors with sunflowers. Lavender and yellow or brown would be good.

janecat said...

That sounds great! Undoubtedly, brown and yellow. There are several things which you get the memo. 3 colors, it's harder to get things done. I ivory, light pink and fishing, and I'm curious if anything has only 2 colors. Everything you need all 3, and much to fear.

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